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Providing one on one support with the instrumental activities of daily living, allowing individuals to live independently in their home and community.

Providing strategies, support and opportunities to connect with others on a similar path

Providing Counselling and Therapies specific to brain injury recovery
Our Impact
Years in service
Clients Helped
public educated in brain injury prevention

One-to-one Rehabilitative care
These services are provided through Interior Health Authority, ICBC, WBC and private insurance.
Please call our office for more information

Peer Support Groups
Groups are held weekly and bi weekly in most of the areas we serve. Please see the calendar for events near you.

Family Support
An Outreach Worker is assigned for individual or group support. Supporting our care givers is an important part of the services we provide.
We are here to help!
Valued Partnerships
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"
Vincent van Gogh
Our Partners
There are many groups, organizations and people to thank for supporting the Kootenay Brain Injury Association in any number of ways: through financial contributions, grants, time given, space given and donations. We would not be able to do what we do without them all.
Thank you.

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